Production and crop yield of the pineapple in Costa Rica, period 1984- 2014

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Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc.


The objective of the research was to determine the production and productivity data of the pineapple crop in Costa Rica, in order to analyze its behavior between 1984 and 2014. The data used are available in the official statistics of the Organization of the United Nations for Food and Agriculture (FAO-FAOSTAT) and INFOAGRO of Costa Rica. The main conclusion was that the production of pineapple in Costa Rica experienced significant increases, going from a production volume of 24,200 tons, in 1984, to 2,915,628 tons, in 2014, which places the country among the main producing and exporting countries of fresh pineapple. The productivity went from a physical yield of 24.2 tm / ha, in 1984, to 77.4 tm / ha, in 2014. These data show a growth in physical performance of 220 percent, which represents an achievement important for companies engaged in the production and export of fresh pineapple in Costa Rica.

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How to Cite
Morales Abarca, L. F. (2018). Production and crop yield of the pineapple in Costa Rica, period 1984- 2014. E-Agronegocios, 4(2).
Notas técnicas
Author Biography

Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc. , National University, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola. Docente e Investigador UCR-UNA.


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