Water Users Societies: perspectives in the framework of the new law for the integrated water resource management in Costa Rica

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Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc.
Juan Carlos Garita Segura.


The objective of the article consists in knowing what they are, how they are organized and operate the societies of water users and what are their prospects in the framework of the new law for the integrated water resource management, in Costa Rica. To achieve this goal addresses the theme of the Users Societies (US), both in its approach under Law No. 276 of 1942, which will be valid until the date of today, as under the approach of the bill that was approved in the first debate in the Legislative Assembly, on 31 March 2014, under the file No. 17742, named "Law for the integrated water resource management" in Costa Rica. It is concluded that both the existing law, such as the bill, passed in the first debate, allow the establishment of users societies, however, in the new law they are called Water Users Societies, which are formed to give optimal water use for agricultural purposes, in addition, these socities become intermediaries recipients of State resources. 

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How to Cite
Morales Abarca, L. F., & Garita Segura, J. C. (2018). Water Users Societies: perspectives in the framework of the new law for the integrated water resource management in Costa Rica. E-Agronegocios, 1(1). https://doi.org/10.18845/rea.v1i1.3685
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Author Biography

Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola y administrador. Docente e investigador UCR-UNA.


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