Technical and financial study for the production of a hectare of acerola (Malpighia emarginata) in Puriscal, Costa Rica

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Josue Carvajal Ulate.
Andrés Paniagua Araya.
Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc.


The objective of the research was to determine the technical and financial feasibility of the production of acerola (Malpighia emarginata), in the area of Puriscal, for the sale of the fruit to the Association of Women Producers of jellies and marmalades located in that area. This study took place between March and July of 2014, a period during which it was determined the technical and financial viability of the crop, taking as production scenario a plantation of 1 hectare. By means of the technical study one concluded that the zone of location of the project, in Puriscal, is suitable to develop the activity due to the fact that the climatological conditions are the ideal ones for the crop; the study of environmental aspects reflected the importance of applying good agricultural practices across the stages of production, so that a minimal negative impact is achieved to the environment, beside maximizing the ecological potential benefits. Across the study it was achieved to determine that the project it is viable from the technical perspective, nevertheless, is not profitable from the financial point of view, on having presented an Internal Rate of Return (IRR) of 1.9% and a Net Present Value (NPV) of -9.300.773 Colones. 

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How to Cite
Carvajal Ulate, J., Paniagua Araya, A., & Morales Abarca, L. F. (2018). Technical and financial study for the production of a hectare of acerola (Malpighia emarginata) in Puriscal, Costa Rica. E-Agronegocios, 1(2).
Author Biographies

Josue Carvajal Ulate. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola, Universidad de Costa Rica.  

Andrés Paniagua Araya. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola, Universidad de Costa Rica.  

Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola. Docente e Investigador en el Área de Preparación y Evaluación de Proyectos, Universidad de Costa Rica.


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José, Costa Rica.

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