Plant capacity and break-even yield in a sugar mill

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Javier Paniagua Molina, M.Sc.


The potential plant capacity analyzed of the sugar cane mill is estimated at 447.329 bags per harvest on 129 days, with an average of 3.467,67 bags per day and 24.273.67 bags per week. The breakeven-yield for this industry was 226.872 bags of sugar, which, given the expected rate of cane conversion to sugar obtained from 10,34%, this represents a minimum milling level of 109.706 tons of cane per harvest. That balance represents about 50% of the potential capacity of 447.329 bags per harvest. The average lost time accounted was 26.05% and it is considered suitable for the industrial efficiency of the plant, estimated at 73.95% of its theoretical maximum. The potential time milling capacity obtained was 94,48 tons of cane per hour, while the expected daily milling capacity was 1.676.91 tons of cane per day equivalent to 11.738,38 tons of cane per week.

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How to Cite
Paniagua Molina, J. (2018). Plant capacity and break-even yield in a sugar mill. E-Agronegocios, 1(2).
Author Biography

Javier Paniagua Molina, M.Sc. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola, Universidad de Costa Rica.


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