Effect of distance to urban center on the value of rural land: the case of Guapiles

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Javier Paniagua Molina, M.Sc.


A research was carried out to determine the effect of the distance to the city of Guapiles on the value of the rural lands in the surroundings of this city. It was determined that the unit value per square meter declines exponentially as the distance, measured in kilometers, increases with a regression coefficient of -0.023. 

The model showed that land size and distance to urban center accounted for 89% of the variability in the unit value of rural land. 

The explosion of the accelerated development of the city of Guápiles has generated a pressure on the value of the land, as well as expectations, sometimes too high for the owners of the land. 

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How to Cite
Paniagua Molina, J. (2018). Effect of distance to urban center on the value of rural land: the case of Guapiles. E-Agronegocios, 3(1). https://doi.org/10.18845/rea.v3i1.3650
Author Biography

Javier Paniagua Molina, M.Sc. , University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola, Master en Administración y Dirección de Empresas con Énfasis en Finanzas, docente Escuela de Economía Agrícola y Agronegocios, investigador en el Centro de Investigación en Economía Agrícola y Desarrollo Agroempresarial (CIEDA), Universidad de Costa Rica.


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