A Technologies Adoption Index in Coffee, Brunca Region, Costa Rica.

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Anthony Cubero Zamora
David Gómez Castillo
Luz Elena Barrantes Aguilar
Vanessa Villalobos Ramos


This research has two objectives, the first is to develop an index to quantify the level of adoption of technologies (AI) and the second is to group coffee producers in the Brunca Region, Costa Rica into categories of adoption intensity. The information was collected in August 2021 in the cantons of Pérez Zeledón and Coto Brus. Different technical specifications sheets of coffee in Costa Rica were studied to select the technologies, focus groups were held with experts with the purpose of select and evaluate the technologies. A data collection instrument was developed and applied that allowed designing an IA for each producer, as well as classifying adoption into four categories (lagging, low, medium and high) using the k-means cluster. Finally, a description of the qualitative and quantitative variables per cluster was made, as well as the respective tests that allow determining the significance between the variables and cluster. The existence of significant differences between clusters in variables of the productive unit was determined, such as: location farm (commune), average annual production in bushels per hectare, certified farm, and the use of the Obata variety. It is also considered variables linked to the person in charge, such as training related to coffee and belonging to an association or cooperative.

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How to Cite
Cubero Zamora, A., Gómez Castillo, D., Barrantes Aguilar, L. E., & Villalobos Ramos, V. (2022). A Technologies Adoption Index in Coffee, Brunca Region, Costa Rica. E-Agronegocios, 8(2), 27–44. https://doi.org/10.18845/ea.v8i2.6143


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