Review of Costa Rican policies towards climate-smart agriculture (1990-2020)

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Enrique Montenegro Hidalgo
Víctor Rodríguez Lizano
María Fernanda Rodríguez Barillas
Luis Vinicio Losilla Solano


At the international level, the development of environmental policies during the last four decades has occurred consecutively through epochs that suggest a path to follow in order to transform agriculture towards climate-smart agriculture. However, the question that arises is: How have Costa Rica's agricultural and environmental policies evolved with respect to the conceptual timeframe that has been presented internationally in recent decades? To answer this question, this manuscript identifies an international timeframe of public environmental policies for the period between 1990 and 2020 which is contrasted with the evolution of Costa Rica's agricultural and environmental policies for the same period. The findings show that some agri-environmental policies were developed in line with the international timeframe identified. This has led to the establishment of an institutional and legal framework that has allowed Costa Rica to build a country image with an internationally recognized concern for the environment. Nevertheless, this has not always been the case, as some policies have been developed in response to international pressures and trends that do not respond to the era of environmental development itself. This demonstrates the need to make greater efforts to achieve better coherence in the development of agricultural and environmental policies that will allow the construction of a long-term agenda in order to achieve a transformation towards a true Climate-Smart Agriculture.

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How to Cite
Montenegro Hidalgo, E., Rodríguez Lizano, V., Rodríguez Barillas, M. F., & Losilla Solano, L. V. (2023). Review of Costa Rican policies towards climate-smart agriculture (1990-2020). E-Agronegocios, 9(1), 1–23.
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