Cost and effect of Supplementation with Hydroponic Green Forage: case study

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Diego Fernando Quirós Badilla
Vanessa Villalobos Ramos


The objective of this work was to carry out an analysis of the costs and effects of the supplementation of Hydroponic Green Forage (FVH), with corn seed (Zea mays), in dual-purpose cattle farm located in Upala, Costa Rica, with an emphasis on milk production area. The information was collecting during two periods, December 2018 – May 2019 (without FVH) and December 2019 – May 2020 (with FVH), for comparison, being the summer months in Costa Rica. FVH production module was being a building with automated nebulized irrigation. A bromatological analysis of the forage was performing at harvest time. The variables weight, height, and days for harvesting of the FVH were measuring. Subsequently, the effect of supplementation with FVH on milk production was evaluating, where statistical tests (Wilcoxon and ANCOVA) indicate that there was an increase in the months December 2019 – May 2020, when FVH was being incorporated into the cows' diet. The highest production cost of FVH was represented by the seed (52.64%), being also the most sensitive input in the field of productivity. The cost of milk production decreased when incorporating FVH in the diet, mainly due to the increase in production and reduction of the concentrate portion provided to cows in production. It is suggested to deepen physiological studies in cows, and milk quality when FVH is incorporating into the diet, as well as more robust analysis on the profitability of the investment needed to implement this system. 

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How to Cite
Quirós Badilla, D. F., & Villalobos Ramos, V. (2022). Cost and effect of Supplementation with Hydroponic Green Forage: : case study. E-Agronegocios, 8(1), 7–24.


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