Willingness to pay for veterinary services for epidemiological surveillance, disaster relief, and animal welfare in Costa Rica
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The willingness to pay for a good depends on the price and on different variables related to the environment of the study subject. When there is no established market and prices and demand are not defined, it is necessary to simulate a hypothetical market to calculate the maximum amount of money that people would pay for the good they receive. The objective of this investigation was to determine the willingness to pay of Costa Rican citizens for the epidemiological surveillance services, disaster relief and animal welfare executed by the State, through a contingent valuation approach. Two surveys were applied to a final sample of 113 consumers of various kinds, using probit and logit binary models whose explanatory variables were price, knowledge, favorable opinion, income, and age. The willingness to pay price was set at $ 39.46 in the logit model and $ 39.26 in the probit model. It was concluded that people value the fact of being protected from zoonotic diseases that could affect the social welfare of the population and their perception was positive towards animal welfare and disaster response in the productive and domestic sphere.
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