Factors affecting the cost and profitability of microalgae production: a literature review

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Olga Calvo
Anyoleth Mora Ureña
Wilson Muñoz Valerio


The scientific and academic production related to microalgae production has a substantive approach that exposes the profitability from the point of view of the efficiency of different production systems, as well as the interaction of various factors. However, the academic and scientific research generated in this area is restricted to the review of the factors that could influence the cost and profitability associated with microalgae production; thus, the need arises to know which are those factors that could have a possible impact on this topic. From a documentary review, it became evident that there is no evident inclination or influence towards one or more specific factors, since profitability and cost will depend on the interaction of various aspects, such as carbon sources, production system, means of production, harvesting strategies, biological productivity, geographic location, value and required amount of labor, tariffs, and water use, among others.

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How to Cite
Calvo, O., Mora Ureña, A., & Muñoz Valerio, W. (2024). Factors affecting the cost and profitability of microalgae production: a literature review. E-Agronegocios, 10(1), 1–21. https://doi.org/10.18845/ea.v10i1.6657
Notas técnicas
Author Biography

Olga Calvo, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José, Costa Rica

Professor-researcher at the University of Costa Rica. Professional Master's Degree in Business Administration and Management with an emphasis on Finance, from the University of Costa Rica and a Bachelor's Degree in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness with an emphasis on Agro-environment, from the University of Costa Rica, with a basic training in Agricultural Engineering with an emphasis on Agricultural Economics.
Researcher at the Center for Research in Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness Development (CIEDA), since 2011. Teacher of courses in accounting, finance, project evaluation and microeconomics.
Trainer in accounting and financial issues, for institutions such as the Ministry of Agriculture and Livestock (MAG), Rural Development Institute (INDER), Livestock Corporation (Corfoga), Inter-American Institute for Cooperation on Agriculture (IICA), among others.
Currently, researcher in projects 737-B9-106 Economic evaluation of production costs in dairy activity for decision-making, at the Alfredo Volio Mata Station. Y C-0455 Development of foods enriched with arthrospira cyanobacterium (spirulina) biomass containing bioactive compounds with potential benefits for human health.


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