Economic analysis of coffee cultivation in the hamlets of Alto Yacusisa and Alto Belén (José Crespo y Castillo - Huánuco - Peru)

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Amanda Ticllacuri Mallqui
Valdemar João Wesz Junior


Coffee is a crop that grew significantly over the decades in Peru, being even an alternative introduced more recently by the State to replace the illicit production of coca leaf. This was the situation that occurred in the hamlets of Alto Yacusisa and Alto Belén, district of José Crespo y Castillo, which belong to the Huánuco region (Peru). This work aims to perform the economic analysis of coffee cultivation in the hamlets of Alto Yacusisa and Alto Belén (District of José Crespo y Castillo, Huánuco, Peru), to measure the net revenue obtained by farmers with coffee production in 2018. For this work, in addition to the literature review and secondary data analysis, 10 coffee growers will be surveyed in each hamlet. As a result, a great variation of the profit per hectare is observed, being that 8 of the 20 producers are prejudiced in the activity. It is perceived that the fall in international coffee prices directly affects producers, in parallel to the high cost of production and low harvests. But, those who manage to contour this last point, are precisely those that obtained greater profit, as well as the producers industrialized their coffee and sold with an added value.

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How to Cite
Ticllacuri Mallqui, A., & Wesz Junior, V. J. (2020). Economic analysis of coffee cultivation in the hamlets of Alto Yacusisa and Alto Belén (José Crespo y Castillo - Huánuco - Peru). E-Agronegocios, 6(2), 121–136.
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Author Biographies

Amanda Ticllacuri Mallqui, Western Paraná State University (Unioeste).

Graduate in Rural Development and Food Security from the Federal University of Latin American Integration (Unila) and master's student in Regional Developmente and Agribusiness at the Western Paraná State University (Unioeste).


Valdemar João Wesz Junior, Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA).

Professor at the Federal University of Latin American Integration (UNILA) and Researcher of the Group of Studies on Social Change, Agribusiness and Public Policies (GEMAP). He has a doctorate and master's degree from the Graduate Program of Social Sciences in Development, Agriculture and Society at the Federal Rural University of Rio de Janeiro (CPDA / UFRRJ), with a part of the study at the University of Bologna (Italy), in the doctorate of Agri-Food Economics and Statistics.


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