Obtaining and economic index for banana producers of Indian Reserve Rey Curré
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The main objective research is to produce a methodology in order to obtain one socioeconomics index for the Native Reserve platain-producing town of Rey Curré. The following indicators were taking into account: per capita monthly income, schooling, housing condition, family resources and access to health. Formerly, each indicator was weighted using the results of a panel of experts. Indicators like housing condition, family resources and access to health were subdivided each in variables, and then from a participatory panel (conformed by plantain producer) we obtained the importance of each variable within each indicator. Finally, a score is given to each variable for each producer and weighted with both, the weight given by the producers and the weight given by experts.
This generates a score from 0 to 100 for each producer. The index showed results for percapita income and schooling which fall below the national average indicators. Similarly a poor access to health was obtained; but on the other hand they own good quality houses.
Finally, regarding to family-productive resources, most of them own land and have access to irrigation water, however the lack of assets for irrigation and transport is a widespread problem. Putting all pieces together an average rate index of 45.6 (0-100), with low dispersion, is obtained
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