The collective imagination applied to project identification processes

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Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc.
José María Zeledón Cruz.


In the process of economic and social development, the projects are creative proposals meet the needs of different users groups of goods and services. They are, therefore, basic tools to development planning. Throughout her pregnancy, delivery and useful life, expertise, experience and constant accumulation of knowledge building is required. Given this requirement it arises the idea to deepen the foundations of collective creativity that should be promoted and enhanced by those who assume the responsibility of implementing public or private financial resources to identifying solutions to the problems identified by the populations. "Collective imagination" as well as your partner "collective intelligence" is the underlying basis of creativity needed to address the task of identifying projects. These elements in turn trigger others such as functional interdependence, collective unconscious, multiple intelligences, synergy, heuristic and social imaginaries. All of them interconnectable to foster the development of the couple collective imagination and collective intelligence. Drawings group, seminars and planning workshops and logical framework: three usual and useful for the above mentioned process is illustratively techniques. 

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How to Cite
Morales Abarca, L. F., & Zeledón Cruz, J. M. (2018). The collective imagination applied to project identification processes. E-Agronegocios, 3(1).
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Author Biographies

Luis Fernando Morales Abarca, M.Sc. , National University, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola y administrador. Docente e investigador UCR-UNA. 

José María Zeledón Cruz., Independent Investigator, Costa Rica.

Investigador, asesor y consultor


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