General procedure for training in agribusiness organizations: a proposal

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Cristina Rodriguez Román, Lic.


In general, the agribusinesses that are mostly integrated by micro, small and medium enterprises, has lack of integral quality management systems or if they have it, usually not include them within their processes, one for the management of human talent and even less, one specific for training or training activities. It is a weakness, according to the needs of the organization; at most what exists is isolated and punctual training, which is usually reactive and inefficient.

Nowadays, the owners or managers of the companies consider that the success of the organization depends on the people, so they want to influence the behavior of the same to guide them to contribute to the success of the SME.

Every agricultural enterprise, which in its budget includes the development of training programs and / or timely training, will inform its employees the interest it has in them as people, as workers, as an important part of that organization in order to increase productivity, achieve the goals of the organization, motivate staff and ensure quality controls.

It is for this reason that this technical note aims to promote the importance of implementing a staff training process as a key tool in the management of human talent. Likewise, it proposes a basic guide for the standardization of said process in a documentary manner, composed of six registers that facilitate the generation and processing of information regarding the training of the personnel of an agribusiness.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Román, C. (2018). General procedure for training in agribusiness organizations: a proposal. E-Agronegocios, 4(1).
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Author Biography

Cristina Rodriguez Román, Lic., University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Economista Agrícola, Licenciada en Economía Agrícola con énfasis en Agroambiente, Universidad de Costa Rica, San José. Docente en la Escuela de Economía Agrícola y Agronegocios e Investigadora en el Centro de Investigación en Economía Agrícola y Desarrollo Agroempresarial CIEDA, Universidad de Costa Rica.


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