Monetary motivation in seasonal farm workers in Chile

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José Luis Llanos Ascencio
Catalina Andrea Olivos Barahona


The productive and commercial growth of Chilean agriculture requires an increase in productivity, which is not consistent with lower staffing. This leads to improving the performance of agricultural labor in different tasks, for example, through monetary motivation. The objective is to characterize the monetarily motivated agricultural seasonal labor in the central valley of Chile between 2012 and 2019. The data used comes from a database prepared by the Agrarian Management Department of the University of Santiago - Chile, which contains a population of 846 workers in different agricultural tasks for the study area. The monetary motivation included preferences associated with bonuses for work quality and productivity (goal), and salary. In addition, biographical and socioeconomic characteristics were selected. As a result, 70% of the study population is monetarily motivated. According to preferences for work quality, effort given, productivity, and monetary motivation it identify four clusters. Among the differentiating attributes were gender, age, seniority and responsibility at home. In conclusion, through a multivariate analysis that combined elements of work productivity, the perception of the salary achieved as a work motivator, and the preference for remuneration associated with the fulfillment of goals and to the quality of work, it characterize the monetarily motivated farm seasonal workers.

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How to Cite
Llanos Ascencio, J. L., & Olivos Barahona, C. A. (2023). Monetary motivation in seasonal farm workers in Chile. E-Agronegocios, 9(1), 1–20.


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