Analysis of market segments for lamb meat consumption (ovis orientalis aries) in the Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica

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Manuel Enrique García Barquero, MAG
Luis Ricardo Solís Rivera, M.Sc.
Alonso Alberto Zuñiga Umaña, Lic.


A market analysis was conducted in the Greater Metropolitan Area (GMA) of Costa Rica, in order to know consumers and their behavior of lamb meat consumption. In the GMA two focus groups were carried out to know the basic processes that constitute the buying behavior of consumers. A questionnaire was designed based on qualitative research, for the pilot test and in which 56 people participated. The data was analyzed using the statistical software SPSS Statistics. The identification of three market segment profiles for lamb meat in the GMA was found within the most relevant results, which are: the recurring and knowledgeable consumer, occasional and poorly informed consumer and, finally, the consumer from ethnic and cultural minorities. As part of the results, a characterization of the purchasing behavior of the current consumer was obtained and feedback was obtained for the adjustment of the value proposals of the lamb sector, which will allow the improvement of marketing strategies at the local level.

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How to Cite
García Barquero, M. E., Solís Rivera, L. R., & Zuñiga Umaña, A. A. (2020). Analysis of market segments for lamb meat consumption (ovis orientalis aries) in the Great Metropolitan Area of Costa Rica. E-Agronegocios, 6(2), 1–18.
Author Biographies

Manuel Enrique García Barquero, MAG, University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Professor and researcher at the School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness of the University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Luis Ricardo Solís Rivera, M.Sc., University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Professor and researcher at the School of Agricultural Economics and Agribusiness of the University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Alonso Alberto Zuñiga Umaña, Lic., University of Costa Rica, Costa Rica.

Purchasing department in a transnational company.


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