Technical Note about the Formulation of National Bioeconomy Strategy in Costa Rica

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Luis Miguel Barboza Arias, M.Sc.


This article describes the formulation of the National Bioeconomy Strategy (ENB) in Costa Rica. The potential for articulating this approach with Nationally Appropriate Mitigation Actions (NAMAs) is discussed, in order to consider the significance of this integration to the long-term development policy. We utilize the documental review to recuperate and describe information about the public policy of bioconomy in Costa Rica. It is concluded that the ENB can make significant  contributions to the sustainable transition goals. Nevertheless, it is important to provide an operative framework for the creation of strategic niches of bioeconomy, according to local schemas of schemes of governance  and capacity-building approach.

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How to Cite
Barboza Arias, L. M. (2020). Technical Note about the Formulation of National Bioeconomy Strategy in Costa Rica. E-Agronegocios, 7(1), 21–37.
Notas técnicas
Author Biography

Luis Miguel Barboza Arias, M.Sc. , Universidad Federal do Rio Grande do Sul, Brasil.

Sociology of Development - Rural Sociology - Studies of Science, Technology and Innovation.


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