Hermann Wendland’s Botanical Explorations in Central America (1856-1857) I. From Guatemala to the Central Valley in Costa Rica

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John Leslie Dowe
Luko Hilje Quirós


As court gardener for the Royal Gardens of Herrenhausen, the German botanist Hermann Wendland travelled to Central America in 1856-1857 under the auspices of the King of Hannover, to collect living plants and herbarium specimens for the gardens. He wrote a travel diary of his nearly eight-month expedition through Guatemala, El Salvador, and Costa Rica, which was published in the journal Hamburger Garten- und Blumenzeitung. In this paper we provide an annotated Spanish translation of the first part of that document, which covers the journey from Guatemala to his stay in the Central Valley of Costa Rica. Wendland’s contribution was significant in regards to the large number of new species described from his botanizing, which correspond to more than 185 that were new to science from a total of about 540 gatherings represented by about 1280 extant specimens, mainly orchids, palm trees and aroids; most of his botanical collection is held in the herbarium of the University of Göttingen (GOET). In his account, Wendland did not restrict himself to botanical matters, but also encompassed a wealth of aspects of the daily life of Central American people, describing their traditions, food, health, religion, culture and politics. Among the latter he wrote about the capitulation of the filibuster leader William Walker who, with the support of the United States slave states, attempted to establish slavery and annex the five Central American countries for the United States.

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How to Cite
Dowe, J. L., & Hilje Quirós, L. (2023). Hermann Wendland’s Botanical Explorations in Central America (1856-1857) I. From Guatemala to the Central Valley in Costa Rica. Revista Comunicación, 31(2), 61–93. https://doi.org/10.18845/rc.v31i43.6580
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