Literary adaptation through the use of mobile video games to promote reading among the young population: “Rosario Tijeras 2D”

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Guiver Alexander Perdomo-Arias
Oscar Camilo Valderrama-Riveros


The application of video games in different areas of knowledge has had a strong impact on society over time. Their main function is to entertain the public by engaging their physical and mental skills, requiring concentration to overcome the challenges presented. However, as technology advances, some habits have been lost, with one of the most significant being the decline in reading, which is crucial for human development. To address this issue, which mainly affects youth between the ages of 12 and 25, particularly students in schools and universities, alternative solutions must be created to attract and incentivize the affected population to regain these habits. This project focuses on the literary adaptation of the Colombian novel “Rosario Tijeras”  and its transformation into a mobile game. The novel, written by Colombian author Jorge Franco, can be told through a video game that narrates the story. By providing attractive gameplay and various missions, it can capture the interest of young people, encouraging them to seek out new novels and even create their own adaptations.

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How to Cite
Perdomo-Arias, G. A., & Valderrama-Riveros, O. C. (2024). Literary adaptation through the use of mobile video games to promote reading among the young population: “Rosario Tijeras 2D”. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(6), Pág. 23–30.
Artículo científico


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