Attitude towards mathematics: perception of the attitude of parents

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Evelyn Agüero-Calvo, Dra.
Luis Gerardo Meza-Cascante, Dr.
Zuleyka Suárez Valdés-Ayala, Dra.
Martha Calderón-Ferrey, Dra.
Laura Sancho Martínez, Mag.
Patricia Pérez-Tyteca, Dra.
Javier Monje-Parrilla, Dr.


This research presents the results of a study in mathematics education on affective domain analyzing the relationship between three variables: “attitude towards mathematics,” “perception of the attitude toward mathematics,” and “the student’s mother’s perceptions of the attitude toward mathematics” among Costa Rican secondary students in 2017. The study concludes that there are no differences on the first variables according to gender, yet the other two show higher levels for
males and small effect size. Furthermore, significant relationships, both positive and moderate, are found among all three variables.

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How to Cite
Agüero-Calvo, E., Meza-Cascante, L. G., Valdés-Ayala, Z. S., Calderón-Ferrey, M., Sancho Martínez, L., Pérez-Tyteca, P., & Monje-Parrilla, J. (2019). Attitude towards mathematics: perception of the attitude of parents. Revista Comunicación, 28(1), 4–15.



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