Experimental comparison of cup anemometers
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Since wind power is proportional to the cube of wind speed, wind speed usually becomes the most critical factor in determining the power of a wind turbine. Therefore, the uncertainty related to anemometers has been thoroughly investigated, seeking to decrease the error involved in the measurement. This work determines whether a group of commercial cup anemometers has means that do not differ statistically from each other, using different wind tunnels and a hot-wire anemometer to measure the reference velocity. In some scenarios, a linear relationship is found between the reference measurement and the cup anemometers one, with a correction factor depending on the wind speed. In other cases, there were atypical behaviors, which vary from one speed to another. It is assumed that external factors must cause the described abnormal behaviors. This assumption is reinforced by analyzing the variance and performing Tukey comparisons for the anemometers at different speeds. In other scenarios, it was found that, despite obtaining means that are not statistically equal, the group of anemometers delivered results in a range that falls within the stated uncertainty for the equipment. It is concluded that the results obtained are not sufficient to determine if the anemometers are statistically equivalent or not, but it is possible to observe that none of the analyzed equipment presents an error level that distinguishes it from the rest.
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