Quality of special wastewater La Libertad, El Salvador

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Francisco Rosales-Ayala
Dolores Rovira-Quezada
Rooel Campos-Rodríguez


This research was carried out with the objective of characterizing the special type wastewater corresponding to those generated by agroindustrial and industrial activities. Specifically, the waters of the municipal market and restaurants were characterized, as well as the influent and effluent of the treatment plant where they arrive and the receiving body where they finally flow (Río Chilama) all through compound sampling.

All the waters characterized do not meet the minimum standards established in the standards or El Salvador (ANDA) or other regulations used in this investigation, which limits the possibilities of sustainable development, since they impoverish the aesthetics, create unhealthiness and affect the potential environmental services of surface water bodies.

Given the growth in tourist demand that is taking place in the city of La Libertad, it is necessary to strengthen municipal environmental management with strategies that enable improvement in urban health equipment, and the application of environmental regulations regarding wastewater from special type.

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How to Cite
Rosales-Ayala, F., Rovira-Quezada, D., & Campos-Rodríguez, R. (2019). Quality of special wastewater La Libertad, El Salvador. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 32(3), Pa´g. 135–145. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v32i3.4504
Artículo científico


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