Design and validation of a Technological Tool aimed at SMEs to self-assessment compliance with requirements of the SMEs Standard and the National Standard to demonstrate Carbon Neutrality in Costa Rica

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Ariel Porras-Rozas
Teresa Salazar-Rojas


Small and medium business in Costa Rica are struggling to improve their competitiveness on international standards and be part of initiatives of carbon neutrality nationally. To assist SMEs in their environmental management, a Technological Self-Assessment Tool (HTA) was created, it contains two questionnaires that determine the percentage of compliance with requirements of the Management System for SMEs and C-neutrality standards, both were validated according to the criteria of relevance and significance, they was subject to judgment experts test and the modified method Lawshe for validity content. The test accepted all the questionnaire items of the Management System for SMEs standard, all items had a Content Validity Radio (CVR´) greater than 0,5823 the minimum acceptable, however 8 items were removed from the C-Neutrality questionnaire. The Content Validity Index (CVI’) for both questionnaires was greater than 0,5823. The Technological Self Diagnostic Tool consists of two validated questionnaires and is available for SMEs at

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How to Cite
Porras-Rozas, A., & Salazar-Rojas, T. (2016). Design and validation of a Technological Tool aimed at SMEs to self-assessment compliance with requirements of the SMEs Standard and the National Standard to demonstrate Carbon Neutrality in Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 29(2), p. 110–124.
Artículo científico
Author Biographies

Ariel Porras-Rozas

Ingeniero Ambiental. AmbienTICA Consulting S.A. Costa Rica.

Teresa Salazar-Rojas

Máster en Gestión Ambiental, Escuela de Química (Carrera de Ing. Ambiental), Instituto Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Cartago, Costa Rica.

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