EREM: Contributions on digital competences to the mathematics teaching staff of the Northern Caribbean Region of Costa Rica EREM: Aportes en competencias digitales al personal docente de matemática de la Región Caribe Norte de Costa Rica

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Maynor Jiménez Castro
Luis Fernando Mena Esquivel


This article outlines the impact left by the Regional Mathematics Teaching Encounters (EREM), organized by the Regional Educational Directorate, the Campus of the University of Costa Rica in Guápiles, and the School of Mathematics Technological Institute of Costa Rica, on digital competences of primary and secondary school teachers who participated in the events carried out form 2011-2021. The study focused on teachers with the highest frequency of participation in these encounters, following the methodological aspects of the European Framework for Digital Competence of Educators (DigCompEdu). In general, the results highlight a relevant B1 level on digital competences in Professional Commitment and Teaching and Learning; and a B2 level on Digital Content. However, there is an incipient level on Evaluation and Feedback through digital tools.

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How to Cite
Jiménez Castro, M., & Mena Esquivel, L. F. (2025). EREM: Contributions on digital competences to the mathematics teaching staff of the Northern Caribbean Region of Costa Rica: EREM: Aportes en competencias digitales al personal docente de matemática de la Región Caribe Norte de Costa Rica. Revista Digital: Matemática, Educación E Internet, 25(2).