Selected Poetry

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Marco Aguilar


This section contains a selection of 30 poems representative of the different periods of the bard Marco Aguilar, from his collections of poems Rai gambres (Rooted) (Biblioteca Líneas Grises, 1961), Cantos para la semana (Songs for the Week) (Biblioteca Líneas Grises, 1962), Emboscada del tiempo (Ambush of Time) (Ediciones Zúñiga y Cabal, 1988), El tránsito del sol (The Sun’s Transition), (Ediciones Zúñiga y Cabal, 1996), Obra reunida (Compiled Works) (EUNED, 2009) and, Profecía de los trenes y los almendros muertos (Prophecy of the Trains and Dead Almond Trees) (New York Poetry Press, 2020.

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How to Cite
Aguilar, M. (2024). Selected Poetry. Revista Comunicación, 34(2), 150–166.
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Revista Comunicación (2024)