Songs of Power in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien

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Martha Celis


Tolkien gives a prominent importance to music and song in the novels and stories that make up his work. Such relevance is not only represented as one more element in the culture and society of the world “sub-created” by J.R.R.Tolkien, Middle earth, but it is rather the engine of the very creation of the Tolkienian universe, the catalyst in narrative knots and in the moments of greatest transcendence for the development of the plot. In Tolkien’s work, music is a predominant agent in the evolution of the hero, as well as in the duality of creation-destruction and in the consequent succession of cycles.

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How to Cite
Celis, M. (2024). Songs of Power in the Works of J.R.R. Tolkien. Revista Comunicación, 33(1), 171–184.
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