Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Mathematics and Mathematical Talent: An Analysis with Participating and Nonparticipating Teachers in OLCOMA

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Arthur Leitón García
Jordan Carvajal Ruiz
Ronny Gamboa Araya


The affective domain of the mathematics teacher is an element to consider in the teaching of this discipline due to its influence
on the development of the class and on the attitudes and beliefs of the students. Since participation in the Costa Rican
Mathematics Olympiad (OLCOMA, for its acronym in Spanish) implies the teacher addressing another type of mathematical
content from a different approach than secondary education, it could be thought that their affective profile is different from a
teacher who has no particular interest in doing so. Therefore, the objective of this research was to analyze the attitudes and
beliefs towards mathematics and the mathematical talent of teachers in this field whether they have OLCOMA experience.
The study had a mixed research approach, and for data collection, a questionnaire and detailed interviews were applied.
Based on the results, it was possible to identify characteristics of teachers who participate in OLCOMA and those who do
not, regarding perception of mathematical talent, conception of mathematics, confidence and security when working with
any mathematical topic, and ways of solving mathematical problems, among others. In most of the study categories, the
evaluation was very positive for mathematics teachers participating in OLCOMA, but the beliefs towards mathematical talent
of teachers who did not participate in the project had a more positive evaluation compared to teachers who did participate.
This research provides contributions to the training and preparation of mathematics teachers, both in service and in training,
since it delves into the affective characteristics of mathematics teachers, and to carry out research related to mathematical
talent and the affective domain of teachers.

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How to Cite
Leitón García, A., Carvajal Ruiz, J., & Gamboa Araya, R. (2024). Attitudes and Beliefs Towards Mathematics and Mathematical Talent: An Analysis with Participating and Nonparticipating Teachers in OLCOMA. Revista Comunicación, 33(1), 22–42.


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