Impact of complete vaccination againts COVID-19 on lethality and deaths per million habitants in the world 06/05/2022

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Darner A. Mora-Alvarado


After elaborating five studies about the impact of complete vaccination-two doses-on lethality rates and deaths/million inhabitants, in the five continents of the world up to 06/05/2022, this research addressed the same relationships in 191 nations. To meet the objective, the confirmed cases up to 06/05/2022 of deaths, lethality, and deaths/million inhabitants, joined with complete vaccination coverage, were identified through the virtual platforms of and against COVID-19 in the 191 countries studied. Linear correlation coefficients were calculated at 95% confidence of complete vaccination against case fatality rates and deaths/million population. The data highlights the 10 countries with the highest number of deaths in the world comparing the “r” values of correlations between the five continents of vaccination against both variables. Finally, it was determined that the “r” value was -0.38 with case fatality rates and 0.30 with deaths/million inhabitants, showing that the higher the complete vaccination, the lower the lethality due to vaccination.

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How to Cite
Mora-Alvarado, D. A. (2023). Impact of complete vaccination againts COVID-19 on lethality and deaths per million habitants in the world 06/05/2022. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(5), Pág. 68–83.
Artículo científico


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