Ventilation flow analysis using CFD software as a heritage conservation tool, applied to the “Antigua Capitanía” of Port Limon
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Fungi hinder the conservation processes of heritage assets since they cause their biodeterioration. The spores produced by these organisms, which can also generate health complications in the property users, depend on the humidity accumulated in the materials to germinate, therefore controlling environmental conditions is decisive if making the most of each intervention performed is wanted. Computer Fluid Dynamics (CFD) applications that have been traditionally used for energy simulations are being applied to determine air currents within spaces and thereby promote conservation strategies based on natural ventilation.
This article aims to show the methodology used for the analysis of air flows within the “Antigua Capitanía” of Port Limón in Costa Rica, using the AUTODESK FlowDesign software and the data analysis strategy developed by Víctor Fuentes Freixanet and Manuel Rodríguez Viqueira . This document has as framework the research project called “ Conservation of the Caribbean Architecture in Costa Rica: use of advanced techniques to study biological agents responsible of damage in these buildings.”, developed by Costa Rica Institute of Technology and Western Illinois University.
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