Proposal for typological classification of architectural buildings of the Costa Rican Caribbean in the city of Limón, built in the early 20th century

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Ariel Valerín-Víquez
Dominique Chang-Albizurez


This publication presents the results of the practice of professional engagement, related to the project “Conservation of the Costa Rican Caribbean architecture from the application of advanced techniques for the study of agents causing injury in buildings”. The work intended to analyze the formal expressions of the architectural elements and of the climatic adaptations present in the Costa Rican Caribbean-style architecture, particularly in the main elevations of said buildings; for the establishment of a more specific typological classification, according to the project to which it is linked, of the buildings built at the beginning of the 20th century in the Historic Center of the city of Limón and its first expansion.

Twenty-eight properties were classified into six different typologies; through a multi-criteria matrix that related the formal expressions found with two aspects of the architectural composition: the utilitarian function and the link of the buildings with the context. Where the first relationship element refers to whether the property is institutional or residential and of what type; and the second aspect, understood as the adaptation of the building, depending on the way of life of the users, to the location. Finally, the work considered those formal expressions that allow differentiating two architectural objects that are in the same typology.

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How to Cite
Valerín-Víquez, A. ., & Chang-Albizurez, D. . (2020). Proposal for typological classification of architectural buildings of the Costa Rican Caribbean in the city of Limón, built in the early 20th century . Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(8), Pág. 26–36.
Artículo científico


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