Environmental impact of different productive sectors of Costa Rica
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The Environmental Impact Assessment (EIA) consists on the identification and assessment of the potential impacts of projects according to the physical, chemical, biological, cultural, economic and social components, in order that by planning and the correct decision-making process, those actions most compatible with the environment are developed. Therefore, it represents a mechanism conditioned to the current global reality, which allows the control and monitoring of environmental management in an integral way. Despite being a widely developed theme, on multiple occasions its application is not fully understood in the face of the plurality of productive sectors that its application contemplates, among other aspects. In Costa Rica, the environmental evaluation process is supervised by the National Environmental Technical Secretariat (SETENA); among the inspection instruments there is an environmental form called “D-1 Form”, in which the future developer of the work, activity or project demonstrates the environmental and social impacts to be generated by the activity to develop. In the present research work an evaluation of the environmental impact of different productive sectors in Costa Rica was developed from D-1 forms entered to SETENA during 2018 and 2019. In total, 125 forms of future projects to be developed were analyzed. The industrial sector called “Mining and quarrying” showed the highest environmental impact value (271,27). The industrial sector with the lowest environmental impact value (94,64) corresponds to “Electricity, gas and water”.
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