Germain’s Twin Prime and Twin Prime Numbers Números primos gemelos y primos gemelos de Germain

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Gerardo Miramontes de León
Diego Miramontes de León


The cardinality of Germain’s prime numbers, i.e., those primes p for which 2p + 1 is also prime, has always been a topic of great interest, sincewe have the conjecture about the infinity of those prime numbers. Several interesting results are presented, first the relationship between the cardinality of prime numbers and Germain’s primes is reviewed. Later, Cunningham chains and twin prime numbers are presented. Within the twin primes, in this work, Germain’s twin primes are defined. The conjecture that the cardinality of Germain’s primes is about half the cardinality of twin primes is supported numerically. In the end, its cardinality is calculated by modifying the estimate proposed by Hardy and Littlewood.

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How to Cite
Miramontes de León, G., & Miramontes de León, D. (2022). Germain’s Twin Prime and Twin Prime Numbers: Números primos gemelos y primos gemelos de Germain. Revista Digital: Matemática, Educación E Internet, 23(1).