Commercial volume table of Cedrela odorata L. in an agroforestry system with coffee in Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica

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Ana Gabriela Salazar-Ruiz
Rafael Murillo-Cruz
Alexis Salas-Rodríguez
William Fonseca-González


The study was done in a coffee agroforestry system with cedar (Cedrela odorata) in the canton of Pérez Zeledón, San José, Costa Rica. Data from 74 20-years-old trees was used, diameter (D, cm) at 0,30 and 1,30 m, and total height (m) were measured with diameter tape and clinometer, respectively. From 3 m in height, the diameter was measured with a criterion dendrometer RD1000 every 1,5 m. Tree volume was estimated with the Smaliam equation and classified into the following products: large logs for sawmill (D ≥ 30 cm), small logs for sawmill (20 cm ≤ D < 30 cm), pallets (10 cm ≤ D < 20 cm), firewood (5 cm ≤ D < 10 cm) and waste (D < 5 cm). Tree volume for this sample was grouped by type of product and diameter class. Average tree volume was 1,97 m3 (SD= 0,9419), 78 % (1,54 m3), and 16 % (0,31 m3), distributed in large and small logs for the sawmill, respectively, represent the mayor economic income for the owner. Pellets, firewood, and waste represented 7 % (0,13 m3), 0,53 % (0,01 m3) and 0,06 % (0,001 m3) of average tree volume, respectively; these three products had a higher percentage in diametric classes less than 25 cm and decreased as tree diameter increased.

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How to Cite
Salazar-Ruiz, A. G. ., Murillo-Cruz, R. ., Salas-Rodríguez, A., & Fonseca-González, W. (2020). Commercial volume table of Cedrela odorata L. in an agroforestry system with coffee in Pérez Zeledón, Costa Rica. Revista Forestal Mesoamericana Kurú, 18(42), 74–80.
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