Cosmological traces in the General Theory of Action, or Whitehead’s influence on Talcott Parsons’s sociology

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Pedro Giordano


This work inquiries the influence of Whitehead’s cosmology on Talcott Parsons’s analytic realism, a perspective that links sociology with a series of philosophical problems which are mainly of ontological and epistemological character. To do this, the foundations if analytical realism are first exhibited, along with the controversies that arise around it. Later, some general outlines of whiteheadian cosmology are outlined. Subsequently, both points are compared in search of the repercussions of Whitehead’s thought on analytical realism. The controversies opened by analytic realism are resumed in order to observe them it in the light of the collation made in the previous sections. Finally, the conclusions present the results obtained, and reflect over the Parsonian modality to link philosophy and sociology and to distinguish theoretical from empirical research.

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How to Cite
Giordano, P. (2023). Cosmological traces in the General Theory of Action, or Whitehead’s influence on Talcott Parsons’s sociology. Revista Comunicación, 31(2), 15–27.


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