Cultures, languages and gestures

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Emma Martinell Gifre


The purpose of this speech is to make a simplified review of the changed tendencies that human beings experience, focusing most of all to the corresponding transformation to the growing digital culture. I will emphasize in the direct repercussions from different society sectors. In occasion I will take filmic texts as reference that will illustrate what is exposed. In the multimode of communication field, there is a starting point for the hypothesis, the uniformization to which societies lean on , which is an active globalization effect at all levels, which will favor the standardization of non-verbal behavior. A space has been given to the current migratory processes reflection, to check at what level the de-culturalization processes will benefit a possible integration at a gesture sector.

We will attend solitude and the opposite, gregarism; solitude among the crows, attention will be given to the relative globalization that indeed is given in certain aspects, it does not apply to others. The most important idea is still the repercussion of this: today we know how they live, how they act or how they externally manifest with others.

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How to Cite
Martinell Gifre, E. (2018). Cultures, languages and gestures. Revista Comunicación, 27(2), 83–97.
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