The teaching-learning process in heterogeneous groups from the Metropolitan University of Ecuador

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Raúl Rodríguez Muñoz


The teaching-learning process in heterogeneous groups from the Metropolitan University of Ecuador

The structure of the teaching-learning process in the Fundamentals of Marketing subject includes students from different careers, a complex situation for the teacher, since its heteronomous nature implies they learn and develop skills with a different mindset, creating a gap in the learning achieved by the students. This group composition fits that of other reference studies where heterogeneous students are defined as multiracial and of different ages. Therefore, the objective of this article is to propose a learning organization model for the Fundamentals of Marketing subject. A “learning group model” is proposed utilizing the systemic structural method and modeling, based on cooperative learning didactic strategies and experiences. The contents and the initial diagnosis in the model are taken into account to organize students with different careers into subgroups, with the teacher guiding the process by assigning tasks to reach an integrating product. As a result, the students develop 39 the topics as a whole, carry out tasks with a multi-career focus, and transmit knowledge and their own experiences leading up to the presentation of the integrating product. In conclusion, the “learning group model” derives in organizational actions, which fosters better learning results and skill development in the students. The ideas of Hernández (2013), Madariaga (2015) and García (2016) regarding cooperative and collaborative learning, and use of coherent teaching activity planning are corroborated.

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How to Cite
Rodríguez Muñoz, R. (2018). The teaching-learning process in heterogeneous groups from the Metropolitan University of Ecuador. Revista Comunicación, 27(2), 45–58.