The Music of the Ainur and the Problem of Freedom

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Pedro Humberto Haddad Bernat


Determinism states that everything that happens in the world is previously establis hed in the laws that govern the cosmos. Such a view conflicts with the existence of freedom and free will since every action, decision or human work would be subjec ted to the laws governing the cosmos, determined by them. This would also inesca pably affect our conception of the human practices of judging the actions of others and assigning responsibilities. This conflict seems especially clear in the case of the secondary world of Tolkien, where Eä is explicitly designed by God and his will is set upon the world through the Music of the Ainur. This paper is but a modest review of these issues under the light of J.R.R. Tolkien’s works and aims to recover a contemporary conception of determinism so that it becomes a secondary problem.

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How to Cite
Haddad Bernat, P. H. (2024). The Music of the Ainur and the Problem of Freedom. Revista Comunicación, 33(1), 151–159.
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