Bakhtin in the Russian Ark

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Lara Solórzano Damasceno


This article delves into the depths of Russian Ark by Alexander Sokurov, where the grandeur of the Hermitage transforms itself into a stage for Bakhtin’s theories on chronotope, polyphony, and dialogism—concepts employed to analyze this film, where this inseparable unity of time and space emerges as a ‘house of time,’ where present, past, and future intertwine, offering a cyclical narrative in which Russian history is revived in a continuous, living flow. Each room of the museum, each filmed scene, is not merely a backdrop, but a voice resonating with centuries of ideologies and memories, creating a visual polyphony where times and values coexist.

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How to Cite
Solórzano Damasceno, L. (2024). Bakhtin in the Russian Ark. Trama, Revista De Ciencias Sociales Y Humanidades., 13(1), 99–111.