Published: 2019-07-26

Artisanal mining for the extraction of gold through the use of mercury: State of the art of environmental impact in water, air and soil media

Didier Ramírez-Morales, Brenda Rodríguez-Artavia, Wendy Sáenz-Vargas, Rolando Sánchez-Gutiérrez, Wendy Villalobos-González, Jose Carlos Mora-Barrantes

Pág. 3-11

Photovoltaic systems sizing using graphical user interface

Kenneth Vega-Carranza, Juan Francisco Piedra-Segura, Gustavo Richmond-Navarro

Pág. 66-78

Effects of Trichoderma asperellum on growth stimulation in sweet pepper (Capsicum annum) variety Nathalie in greenhouse

Jaime Brenes-Madriz, Claudia Zúñiga-Vega, Marvin Villalobos-Araya, Cristian Zúñiga-Poveda, William Rivera-Méndez

Pág. 79-86

Development of an automatized system for a gamma scanning technique

Francisco Rodríguez-Méndez, Marcela Meneses-Guzmán, Bruno Chinè-Polito, Roberto Pereira-Arroyo

Pág. 87-98

Raman spectroscopy analysis of DNA using the SERS method

Stephanie Varela-Fonseca, Ernesto Montero-Zeledón, Laura Rojas- Rojas, Alejandro Varela-Fonseca, Dionisio Gutiérrez-Fallas

Pág. 118-125

Quality of special wastewater La Libertad, El Salvador

Francisco Rosales-Ayala, Dolores Rovira-Quezada, Rooel Campos-Rodríguez

Pa´g. 135-145