Evaluation of the antimicrobial properties of natural extracts of Ganoderma lucidum
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There is a growing importance of alternative anticancer and anti-inflammatory treatments.
Current interest lies in natural medicine and secondary metabolites present in plants, particularly
focusing on triterpenes. Ganoderma lucidum is a fungal species of significant commercial
interest due to its therapeutic and medicinal properties resulting from secondary metabolites
such as polysaccharides and triterpenes. These compounds exhibit antitumor activity and
bolster the immune system. The study aimed to assess the antimicrobial activity of G. lucidum
extracts, both commercial and wild. The content of ganoderic acids in all extracts showed
a slight difference in concentration between commercial and wild extracts. However, no
bacterial inhibition halos were observed in any of the strains used. The presence of varying
concentrations of ganoderic acids among treatments underscores the importance of optimizing
and standardizing a comprehensive strategy for extracting secondary metabolites, focusing
on producing high-quality supplements and pharmaceutical products. Furthermore, preserving
the stability of the obtained triterpenes is necessary due to their importance in the medicinal
properties of the fungus.
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