IOT prototype for the agricultural sector

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Jaime Malqui Cabrera-Medina
Irlesa Indira Sánchez-Medina
José David García-Cerón
Daniel Enrique Restrepo-Reyes


This article contemplates concepts and important aspects to take into account in the design and development of an IoT prototype for the agricultural sector supported by M5STACK technology sensors that measure physicochemical variables present in an agricultural crop. The main objective is to present an initiative focused on the development of technologies aimed at Colombian farmers that allows traceability of the variables involved in an agricultural crop from data captured by sensors, analyze them and make decisions in order to improve the productivity of the agricultural sector with the implementation of advanced technologies.

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How to Cite
Cabrera-Medina, J. M., Sánchez-Medina, I. I., García-Cerón, J. D., & Restrepo-Reyes, D. E. (2024). IOT prototype for the agricultural sector. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(6), Pág. 81–87.
Artículo científico


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