Facemask detection using face recognition

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Xoán Teira
Nikolai Andreas Guerra
Jahir Gamar Castillo-Santamaria
Lilia Muñoz
Vladimir Villarreal


This project was carried out in response to some current demands which dictate that the use of masks is mandatory within closed spaces such as Schools and Universities. The objective that was raised was to make a prototype that, using a camera and applying artificial intelligence, could detect whether or not a person is wearing a mask. For it, some Python libraries were used, such as media pipe, also openCV, Arduino. This artificial intelligence for its correct operation was trained with various videos of people without and with masks and through pattern recognition the objective was reached, when detecting a person without a mask an LED will turn on and an alert sound will be emitted, on the other hand, in case it recognizes that the person has the mask, only a green LED will light up.

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How to Cite
Teira, X., Guerra, N. A., Castillo-Santamaria, J. G., Muñoz, L., & Villarreal, V. (2023). Facemask detection using face recognition. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(8), Pág. 57–65. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v36i8.6928
Artículo científico


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