Virtuality in the teaching of research in the master’s degree in Project Management at Tecnológico de Costa Rica

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José Roberto Santamaría-Sandoval


The COVID-19 caused educational programs under face-to-face modality to virtualize their teaching methods. The Master’s program in Project Management at the Tecnológico de Costa Rica did not escape from this reality, this work focuses on the subject Research Methodology Seminar, which aims to develop the proposal of the final graduation work. Thus, taking advantage of IT resources, it went from face-to-face to synchronous virtuality under the active learning method in the second bimester of the year 2020. The objective of this study is to demonstrate how the application of virtuality in the course has given positive results in learning methods, course evaluation and promotion. The methodology applied has a qualitative approach within an action-research design. The results of the implementation of virtuality are catalogued as positive with a 99% promotion rate in the course, 75% of approved proposals and a 70% promotion rate of the master’s degree. In order for the virtualization to obtain positive results, academic and evaluative activities were reformulated, the participation of more academic personnel of the master’s program was included, multimedia material was generated and information repositories were created. In conclusion, the application of virtualization has been positive for the program; it was implemented under an active learning scheme, which promotes self-regulation and complies with the acquisition of significant learning embodied in the course.

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How to Cite
Santamaría-Sandoval, J. R. (2023). Virtuality in the teaching of research in the master’s degree in Project Management at Tecnológico de Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(7), Pág. 45–55.
Artículo científico


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