Planting density and green corn and baby corn production in maize landraces of Costa Rica

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José Eladio Monge-Pérez
Patricia Oreamuno-Fonseca
Michelle Loría-Coto


The effect of two planting densities (83,000 and 100,000 seeds/ha) on the production of green corn and baby corn of five maize (Zea mays L.) landraces: Amarillo, Congo, Piquinitillo, Pujagua and Rocarina, was evaluated.  The trial was developed in the towns of Matambú and Matambuguito, Guanacaste, Costa Rica.  For green corn production, there were no significant differences neither between planting densities nor between locations, but there were differences between landraces; Amarillo variety obtained a higher number of ears (39,844/ha), compared to Congo and Piquinitillo (17,969-28,125/ha).  For baby corn production, planting density did not have a significant effect either, but differences were found between landraces; Pujagua produced a higher number of baby cobs (14,688/ha), compared to Amarillo (5,625/ha).  In addition, Piquinitillo produced a significant higher baby cob weight (61.25 g), compared to Congo, Pujagua and Amarillo (26.75-37.25 g).  Baby corn yield was significantly higher for Rocarina variety (654.30 kg/ha), compared to Congo and Amarillo (148.60-195.32 kg/ha).  There were no significant differences for the total number of immature female inflorescences (green corn + baby corn) neither between planting densities nor between landraces.  The highest estimated income from the sale of green corn and baby corn was obtained with Amarillo, Pujagua and Rocarina landraces (8.22-8.57 million colones/ha), and the lowest value was found with Congo (4.25 million colones/ha).  This is the first report about the effect of planting density on the production of green corn and baby corn, in maize landraces from Costa Rica.

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How to Cite
Monge-Pérez, J. E., Oreamuno-Fonseca, P., & Loría-Coto, M. (2024). Planting density and green corn and baby corn production in maize landraces of Costa Rica. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 37(3).
Artículo científico


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