Evaluation of the thermal treatment in wood roles of Stryphnodendron polystachyum (Yigüire), on the physical-mechanical properties of three-plated plywood boards

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Luisana Delgado-Villarreal
Ananda Bastidas-Romero
Shakespeare Simón Trejo-Puentes
Elexide Jesús Márquez
José Orangel Albornoz-Puentes
Styles Will Valero


The species Stryphnodendron polystachyum (Yigüire), has an important presence in the Forest Reserve of Imataca in the state of Bolívar, Venezuela. The wood is relatively hard and heavy, has crisscrossed grain and is difficult to cut on the lathe. The objective of the present study consisted in the evaluation of the thermal treatment in wooden rods of Stryphnodendron polystachyum on some physical-mechanical properties of three-ply veneered boards. For its processing, two heating times of the logs were used (72 h and 96 h), later, the rotary cutting of the logs was carried out for the production of sheets and the manufacture of the plywood boards. Finally, the physical properties (density, moisture content) and mechanical properties (shear, hardness, nail and screw extraction) of the plywood panels were evaluated, following the stipulations of Venezuelan COVENIN 2718-90 and American ASTM D 906- 64, D 1037-99, D 2395-02, D 4442-92 standards. The results obtained in the mechanical properties of the plywood panels, allow to infer that they can be used in the production of pallets of load and packaging in interior environments, due to the high density and hardness of the wood.

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How to Cite
Delgado-Villarreal, L. ., Bastidas-Romero, A. ., Trejo-Puentes, S. S., Márquez, E. J. ., Albornoz-Puentes, J. O. ., & Valero, S. W. (2022). Evaluation of the thermal treatment in wood roles of Stryphnodendron polystachyum (Yigüire), on the physical-mechanical properties of three-plated plywood boards. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 35(4), Pág. 149–161. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v35i4.6399
Artículo científico


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