Mapas interactivos: una herramienta para el análisis exploratorio de datos ético

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Cristina Soto-Rojas


When starting the exploratory data analysis of a new project, we usually review the structure of the variables, the distribution, variance, we perform normality tests, but are we checking if they are ethical? It is not always corroborated that the data does not fall into some kind of discrimination, and many times it is not easy to verify this either. The use of interactive maps is proposed to verify possible geospatial biases in the data, as an addition to the exploratory analysis of the data, to evaluate this ethical aspect.

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How to Cite
Soto-Rojas, C. . (2022). Mapas interactivos: una herramienta para el análisis exploratorio de datos ético . Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 35(6), Pág. 24–31.
Artículo científico


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Ética & Inteligencia Artificial. Taller RIIAA 2020.

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