Development and validation of a method for the determination of nitrite in meat products by ion chromatography
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Sodium nitrite has been used as a preservative in sausages since the 19th century due to its excellent inhibitory effects against pathogenic microorganisms. However, according to several studies, it was found that high amounts of sodium nitrite (greater than 125 ppm) can be dangerous for consumers, because nitrosamines (carcinogens) could be formed. For this reason, the analysis for the determination of the content of sodium nitrite in sausages is extremely important. The main objective of this research was the development and validation of a method for the determination of nitrites in sausage that are sold in butcher shops in the Western region, using an ion chromatography methodology. The validation of the method for the determination of nitrite in Creole sausage by ion chromatography presented acceptable performance parameters. Regarding linearity, three calibration curves with R2 ≥ 0.995 will be acquired. Residual analysis and homoscedasticity test showed that the method has good linearity. The precision of the method was also acceptable (CV: 1.68% for repeatability and a CV: 1.01% for reproducibility). Regarding truthfulness, a relative bias of 4.31% was obtained. Regarding selectivity, the identity of the analyte was established and a detection limit of 0.0003 ppm and a quantification limit of 0.001 ppm were obtained. In relation to the comparative study between the developed method and the official method, it is evident that there is no significant difference between the two. In conclusion, the developed method provides the same reliable results as the official method.
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