Hydrological and hydrodynamic analysis of the Guayabo National Monument and its impact due to climate change

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Daphne María Zamora-Varela
David Borge-Leandro


In Costa Rica there is a Civil Engineering heritage and a legacy, in the province of Cartago: Guayabo National Monument is a site with archaeological sites dating back more than 1400 years AD. Today there have been different problems of erosion and waterlogging at the site that threaten to deteriorate of infrastructure.

The importance of the research focuses on an analysis of the current and future runoff and how it may be affected by climate change, and how the issue can be solved by means of an infiltration ditch.

The hydrodynamic data was obtained from a 30-minute storm, with a return period of 50 years with an increase in rainfall of 18% due to climate change, where the variables of runoff speed and draft are studied. The critical values ​​obtained are 1.43 m / s and 0.47 m respectively. The critical hydrograph corresponding to the scenario with a return period of 50 years and an increase of 18%, suggests a flow of 0.65 m³ / s and the hietograph under the same scenario shows a precipitation amount of 19 mm.

An infiltration ditch with GeoPockets is proposed as a solution to accumulate surface runoff, which helps reduce waterlogging and stops erosion.

With the proposed solution, it is possible to free monument area from surface runoff without drying up the hydraulic system or the channels of the Guayabo National Monument.

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How to Cite
Zamora-Varela, D. M., & Borge-Leandro, D. (2023). Hydrological and hydrodynamic analysis of the Guayabo National Monument and its impact due to climate change. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 36(2), 37–49. https://doi.org/10.18845/tm.v36i2.5925
Artículo científico


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