Relationship between grip and pinch force with isometric dynamometry and musculoskeletal disorders in the Bogota, Colombia adult population

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Kevin Pacheco-Arias


Having a healthy work environment has become a major challenge for most companies. Within the efforts to promote safe work established by the World Healthy Organization (WHO), they are the adequate job design, the knowledge of the main limitations of the employees, therefore the study of physical capacities and abilities, such as maximum grip strength and lateral and palmar grip has become an interesting topic in consequence the high rate of occupational disease in the Bogota adult population.

This paper points out the statistical relationship between grip and pinch force and aspects such as gender, age; and neck, shoulder, middle arm, elbow, and forearm injuries suffer by the workers of the Colombian Institute of Family Welfare (ICBF). It was done throughout a crosssectional correlational study, where a 317 participants’ population was included, of them: 204 women and 113 men between the ages of 18-57. As result it was obtained that there is not statistical correlation between right- and left-hand grip force, considering that the p value=0.006 is less than the alfa value = 0.05.  Likewise, it happens with the pinch force, where the p = 0.01 is less than the alfa value=0.05. When analyzing the statistical correlation between grip force and pinch (palmar and lateral) force it was obtained, as a statistical difference between men and women was obtained. Finally, it was analyzed its correlation with different disorders of the musculoskeletal system.

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How to Cite
Pacheco-Arias, K. (2021). Relationship between grip and pinch force with isometric dynamometry and musculoskeletal disorders in the Bogota, Colombia adult population. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 34(5), Pág. 78–89.
Artículo científico


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