Automatic car parking for a scale model car

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José Pablo Chaves Rodríguez


There is a problem for many car users which is to maneuver the vehicle is in parking either
battery or in parallel, it is given that many people take a long time to park, generates stress and
in some cases to them it is impossible to park, and those who fail can perform this maneuver so
bad wasting space or leaving other vehicles with the inability to leave where they are parked.
Because of this the Department of measurement - Aeronautical Instrumentation Laboratory of
the Czech Technical University in Prague (Czech Technical University in Prague) has decided
to make an automatic parking applied first to a scale model car where the system is able
to recognize where is available parking space, once identified this, the car must perform
autonomously parking maneuver without any assistance from the driver.
This system should take into account the directional control of the vehicle, the displacement
in any direction, at the same time must be able to recognize the distance between the objects
around the vehicle, identify when next to a space enough parking shaped battery and finally
be able to avoid collisions with objects or obstacles that are presented in front and behind the
vehicle and maintain a minimum safety distance against them.

Article Details

How to Cite
Chaves Rodríguez, J. P. . (2020). Automatic car parking for a scale model car. Tecnología En Marcha Journal, 33(7), Pág. 64–72.
Artículo científico


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